Dear What if?

#This post is part of my 30 days writing challenge.

 We have never met formally. I probably felt your sneaky presence first when
 I was doing  football maneuvers as a child & when I was considering sneaking
 from summer school to play football. I could see you lurking around every decision
 trying to force-quit it. 

The truth is, you have been useful at times muscling up in glamorous excel sheets and 
opening eyes to rather hasty unsound decisions. 
However, many times you hindered many potentials and delayed exemplary fruition 
in the name of "Fear" brilliantly disguised as "Wisdom". 

I can assure you the times I defied you, I either  became happier or stronger 
and my life moved on.
It is scary how you always come back stronger but it is also liberating
that you are nothing but a tool brought to us by us and deployed on us by us 
and you will always remain as one.

Your Beloved,
Abdulrahman Abbag

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