“So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.”

#This post is part of my 30 days writing challenge.

I opted to do my internship in Nicaragua while pursuing my diploma in nutrition at IHN.
All I had was access to nature, books, few stables and a human connection.

I was extremely happy when I virtually had nothing and had a copious amount of clarity
that allowed me to dig deeper beyond my imagination. But that clarity forced me to question
rules I lived by, and examine expectations that were part of my identity & assumptions that were incarcerated inside my mind.

The process was extremely painful but eventually liberating and the process keeps
getting repeated again and again. We have a tendency to prefer the either-or over navigating the complexities of endless possibilities. Opposites don’t negate each other but complement each other in the way that our immune system needs pathogens to get stronger. We demand light without darkness and ease without hardship but the reality is that they need each other to make the experience whole and meaningful. Always remember:

So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief

Quran [94:5]

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