My Guiding Principles: Mental Models to Think and Act Optimally.

There is no tool more beneficial than reason and no enemy more harmful than ignorance.

Imam Ali (peace be upon him)

Published on 16-09-2024

Why have and write about guiding principles?

First, I want to live a congruent life where I am naturally flowing as my values, thoughts, words, and actions are perfectly aligned. Living a life grounded in principles is crucial to me. 

Second, you betray yourself and your family, and the world suffers if you live a lesser life than what you are capable of. These principles will shape your character and destiny. They will help you when life gets tough or ambiguous.

Third, it is more important than ever to have principles guiding your life as we suffer from 2 existential problems:

  1. Abundance is at an all-time high, yet utilization and happiness are low. While we have more choices and paths, our selection has suffered. Hence, you need to date yourself.
  2. Connecting with others is easier than ever. We are constantly reacting to voices, opinions, events, and stories. Be careful of the stories you hear.

All things considered, I believe that guiding principles are the missing component to help us think and act to maximize our potential and reap a fulfilled life. 

I have developed these personal guiding principles by suffering, failing, reflecting, and learning from other mentors and people I admire.

They will evolve as I evolve. They are aspirational; While I follow them, I am human and occasionally fail. I am writing them to:

  1. Hold myself accountable and stay true to my values and beliefs.
  2. Encourage you to reflect and write your own. I will list further resources at the end to help you figure out your guiding principles.

Here are my guiding principles:

I optimize for the long term, but I move with urgency

  • When I decide, I think about the 2nd and 3rd-order consequences. 
  • My impact will be evident in years, not months. Progress takes time.
  • Consistency trumps intensity. Things compound ( 1.01365 ≈ 38).
  • I realize I will stagnate if I don’t do it now. I ship quickly. Implement now, optimize later. Thank you, Mom, Krish, Amin, for instilling this in me.
  • I recognize that Failure is feedback. It’s a failed experiment, not a failed Abdul. Credit: Taylor Pearson.

I love Learning. I recognize that it is vital for my health, happiness, and growth

  • “Become a learner. Don’t fixate on titles and salaries. Titles stagnate. Learning grows.” Credit : Karan Bajaj.
  • I chose opportunities based on answering: Where could I learn the most?
  • To maximize learning. I do what I learned; I reflect on what I learn; I teach what I learned.
  • I periodically reflect on my learnings: observations → insights  →  lessons learned. Thank you, Edward Rogers, for teaching me this.
  • I have a growth mindset and prioritize learning over being right or wrong.
  • I read voraciously because reading has magical seeds.

I scrutinize opportunities, and I guard my precious time and energy

  • I am slow to commit, but when I do, I go all way.
  • Hell yes or hell no. Credit: derik sivers.
  • Will I regret not doing this if tomorrow was my last day?
  • I implement routines to focus my energies on where I can have more impact. I avoid thinking when I don’t have to think.
  • Less control, more context. I reduce the need for constant oversight and trust in the process and the people involved. Credit: Andrew Spyker.
  • Less is more. I get sharp by mastering the basics. 
  • I reason from first principles.

I approach life with a positive attitude

  • I make sure my actions add value to the world.
  • I pause to see if it is an area of influence or concern. A big thank you to 7 Habits of Highly Effective people.
  • I feel overwhelmed. I get depressed. I lose. But I always find the courage, hope, and wisdom to face the situation.
  • So, verily, there is relief with every difficulty.
  • I don’t over-stress. “And know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what Allah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already prescribed against you.” Hadith 19, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi.

I value integrity and trust over everything

  • I like to work with people I trust. This way, I can focus on building and nurturing, not on whether they will fulfill their promises. 
  • I am candid. I genuinely speak what is true for me. 
  • “Consult your heart. Righteousness is that about which the soul feels at ease and the heart feels tranquil. And wrongdoing is that which wavers in the soul and causes uneasiness in the breast, even though people have repeatedly given their legal opinion [in its favour].” Hadith 27, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi.

I optimize my life for optionality to reap nonlinear gains, hedge against risk, and, most importantly, afford to say no so I can focus on things that align with my values, strengths, and preferences

  • I spread my investments.
  • As a hardcore wanderer, I combine my diverse skills and experiences to create something new and better.
  • I engage in small bets before I commit big. I learn and go from there.
  • I avoid irreversible decisions most of the time. 
  • I Minimize commitment in life.
  • I realize my shortcomings so I partner with ethical competent people.

I am always grateful for what I have. Happyniss = Progress + Hope + Contentment; contentment is an everlasting treasure

  • “Whosoever begins the day feeling family security and good health and possessing provision for his day is as though he possessed the whole world.” Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him.
  • Life is  not not a zero-sum game. We can all win. Credit: Joseph Jude
  • Systems> Goals.
  • I don’t over-optimize or over-negotiate most of the time.

I pursue excellence. Allah loves the doers of good, so I use my mind and energy to plan and create value. This will inspire others to create and inspire people to embrace faith

  • I go above and beyond to make great work even if I am not obligated to.
  • I seek opportunities to help people in everyday life.
  • I share my knowledge and offer my expertise through writing and advising.

Further Resources:

To know yourself:

  1. Life Values Inventory 
  2. Strengths Finder 
  3. 16 Personalities 

To forge your path:

  1. The Effective Entrepreneur by Taylor Pearson 
  2. How Will You Measure Your Life Book 
  3. Career Clarity Lab

To shape your character and manners:

  1. Quran.
  2. 40 Hadith Nawawi
  3. Al-Adab al-Saghir wa al-Adab al-Kabir” by Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa 

To clarify your thinking:

  1. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness  
  2. Principles by Ray Dalio 
  3. The Art of Thinking Clearly Book 

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