Hi, I am Abdulrahman Abbag

Know me

in 101101

I am Abdulrahman Abbag. I have been an IT analyst, an Electrical facility engineer, a project engineer, a nutritional educator, a digital marketing instructor, a marketing manager and a small business owner.

I explore relentlessly not knowing where my explorations will lead to , I read voraciously as reading is planting ideas and harvesting is the inevitable corollary to it ,I exercise punctually like I am paid handsomely to do it, and I self-introspect regularly to discover deep truths about myself.

I am built by trial and error; My life thus far has been mostly about exploring adventures trying to test assumptions to get closer to my inner Abbag and better understand the world around me.

Here I simply recycle my experiences, observations, conversations into honest bare thoughts dressed as words hoping that they will inspire, educate and or entertain myself and others!

Know me in 9 minutes

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What am I up to now?

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